SSTs material allocation solution aims at maximizing the utilization of material in the yard - no matter if finished or semi-finished goods.
In many cases of faulty production or overproduction material builds-up in the yard over time. For the planning departments it is very challenging to effectively utilize this material and manually reallocate it to new orders. The built-up material leads to increased storage costs and after a while often sold for a much lower value or even scrapped.
SST addresses this issue with the SST Material Allocator. It is a stand alone tool which matches orders and the existing material and makes optimized proposals on how to use the material for new orders. The complexity of this task is highlighted in the diagram below. There are not only multiple possible actions involved to change the geometry of existing material to match it with orders but also many different downstream process steps involved, since a slab for example can be reallocated to many different kinds of material such as HRC, CRC or galvanized CRC etc. On top of that for each production step are often multiple production lines in place. The material allocator considers all possible paths and optimizes in order to choose the most cost effective one and extract the most revenue possible from the existing material.
The SST Material Allocator provides automated suggestions by ranking which orders can be fulfilled by existing material while considering mill specific constraints and requirements. While doing so it considers not only mill specific production paths but also constraints, priorities, KPIs and rules - to fully maximize its potential. It can be implemented by itself or as an add-on to the SST Short-Term Scheduler or the SST Long Product Scheduler. With a smart mid-term planning, which proactively aims at minimizing overproduction the amount of material in the yard can be significantly reduced, storage costs be saved and revenues maximized. It is a perfect solution optimize scheduling and inventory utilization.